Advanced financial and stock market data scraping

Stock market and financial data scraping services.

We help you gather comprenhesive financial data from public available sources.

From hundreds to millions of datapoint from different sources beautifully structured and reasonable priced.

Data points collected
0 M
0 + PB

Use cases

Equity research analysis

Access consolidated information of many websites in real time. 

Financial data & credit ratings

Feed your prevention models with multi variable datasets of your main stakeholders.

Venture capital

Include real data in your assesments, from estimating market size to due dilligence.

Risk compliance

Protect your company by benchmarking best practices in the market.

How It works

1. Consultation
We understand your precise requirements
2. Validation 
A team of experts will validate the feasability of your requirements
3. Agreement
We will provide you with a quotation and the terms of service
4. Delivery
A tailored made product for you will be delivered

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